Cloth Bags for gifting, corporate events and custom branding

The UseMeAgain campaign by eCoexist encourages people to replace single use disposable plastic bags with reusable cloth bags since 2010. We have developed a range of bags styles and sizes – these are made using unbleached cotton and canvas and can be customised to your needs.As we look around today, and watch the human built environment overtake the last remnants of wilderness, we now need to develop a new vision.

Ecological Conscience: The role humans can play

Once upon a time, lived King Shibi who was known for his sense of righteousness and tremendous generosity. With his deep understanding of justice, he ruled and resolved the needs of all his kingdom. One day, while he was at court, a frightened pigeon came and took refuge in his lap. Following the pigeon, was the eagle hunting for his prey.As we look around today, and watch the human built environment overtake the last remnants of wilderness, we now need to develop a new vision.