THE CROAK is a weekly environmental newsletter put out by the eCoexist team. It is the voice of the environment on its last legs, the final croak that can either be a plea for attention or a call of triumph as the frogs jump out of the well of ignorance and denial.

Positive Medicine

The world has had several traditions of medicine and healing over centuries as each culture has discovered ways and approaches to healing the human body and mind. Tibetan medicine, Chinese medicine , Indian traditional health practices, Homeopathy, and Western medicine as well. This year, as we continue our explorations into the Healing with Nature campaign, we are studying how the mind and body are closely linked and how we can choose which path of health care suits each one of us best. 

This Sunday, 21 March, we are happy to welcome Dr Michael Held from Rome, Italy to speak to us about his journey and learnings about healing. 

Self Regulation in Healing

Paracelsus, a Renaissance physician during the 1500's said, "Nature is the first physician, and man is the second".

That statement is still true today. The unconscious processes follow the "nature within us", but each of us can optimize this self-regulation within oneself and it is precisely in this area where modern medicine, modern psychological disciplines meet with experience-based medicine, traditional knowledge and meditation techniques.

Brain, mind, body and behavior are usually the object of different scientific sectors and treated by various professional figures, but actually they are closely interconnected networks that influence and communicate with each other on an ongoing basis. Like everything in nature, our body as a functional unit acts and reacts with innumerable adaptation processes running simultaneously at all levels and therefore improving the best dynamic equilibrium in all circumstances. This usually happens without us being aware of these inner adaptation processes.

Actually, each of us can improve his or her own health in everyday life and thus actively and consciously create his or her own well-being. That applies not only to the recovery from an illness, but also to the prevention of diseases.

What is Positive Medicine

STUDIO MEDICO HELD is a center for Integrated Medicine with over twenty years of experience located in Roma, Italy. Consultation, diagnostics and therapy are personalized to the specific individual needs.

They define their approach "Positive Medicine" which means the ability (supported by diagnostic tools) to understand those processes of continuous self-regulation that occur in a coordinated manner at all times in our body and to translate them into a medical approach aimed at supporting and/or rebalancing them.

The diagnostic and therapeutic approach of Positive Medicine is always inclusive and takes into account all forms of therapy, ensuring maximum personalization and opting for the least invasive and natural one. 

The Positive Medicine approach is based on a relatively new scientific field called Psycho-Neuro-Endocrino-Immunology (PNEI), the most systemic modern medicine framework.


Empowering health-promoting pathways is key to better well-being. It includes medical prescriptions, changes in lifestyle and behaviors together with physical activities, relaxation, stress regulation and nutrition. It aims to make patients more aware of their own healing process.


The doctor-patient collaboration is a central point in the Positive Medicine approach. It is key to shift the focus from symptomatology to etiology based-medicine and to update our vision from disease management to health promotion.

Dr Michael Held

Dr Michael Held has a background in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) and Buddhist philosophy and will be speaking to us about how the mind can channel the healing forces of Nature consciously.


Over the years he has pursued specialised studies in integrated medicine, following courses in homeopathy, homotoxicology, nutrition, acupuncture and other specialisations relating to natural medicine and obtained a second-level Master's degree in PNEI.
He is a member of the scientific medical societies AIMF (Italian Association of Functional Health Medicine), ESIO (European Society for Intecrative Oncology), ESNM (European Society of Neurogastroentrology & Motility), DMGNM (Deutsche Geselschaft für Neurogastroenterologie), SIPNEI (Italian Society of Psycho-neuro- endocrino- immunology).
In addition to his research activities, he is constantly engaged in clinical practice in the medical practices he founded and runs in Germany and in Rome, Italy, where he still practices.


Register for REVIVE : Sunday 21 March 2021

You are invited to a Zoom webinar. 

When: Mar 21, 2021 04:00 PM India 

Topic: REVIVE w eCoexist : Conscious Self Healing

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Join the REVIVE series every month

In 2020, during the COVID 19 lockdown, eCoexist began a series of web talks called REVIVE - as a way to reconnect with self, with community and with Nature. These talks started as chats between friends to see how we were going to work towards a new normal and to find a way to envision a different future. Slowly, our audience grew to include more people and the discussions to cover various aspects of Sustainability and Self. 

Every month, we welcome you to connect with us through the REVIVE talks, that is bringing together a fantastic community of sensitive and brilliant people, with whom we can co create a new future. 

The talks are free for registration and have ample time and space for a deep and authentic conversation with the speaker. Some of our guests are otherwise difficult to reach as they live and work in remote locations and so these are precious opportunities to hear from them in person. 

Visit the REVIVE webpage
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The Croak is a weekly environmental newsletter put out by the eCoexist team. It is the voice of the environment on its last legs, the final croak that can either be a plea for attention or a call of triumph as the frogs jump out of the well of ignorance and denial. Satirical, urgent and wise the newsletter brings to your attention, topics of global environmental relevance as well as emerging encouraging alternatives. Put together by a team of passionate Nature lovers, The Croak hopes to look at the environmental crisis in its face. It is a tool to reconnect readers to Nature, through questioning and self reflection. To understand the outer environment as a reflection of our own inner state, individually and as a species. And to take responsibility for enabling change.
If you would like to contribute articles on ecology consciousness and sustainability please get in touch with us.

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